Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weekend in Review

This week's Week in Review will be delayed because Justin and I both got sick and I can't remember anything that happened last week because I've been spending the last two and a half days practically crawling between the bed, the couch, and the bathroom. Oh, and praying for merciful death.

Justin must be feeling better because he's heading to Wendy's for chicken nuggets and Frosties. I am going to allow him to bring me a Frosty since I may finally be ready for something with more flavor than saltine crackers and ginger ale.

The worst part of being sick at the same time as your spouse is that sometimes you lose the game of "Who's Sicker?" and you have to do something to take care of the children instead of lying in bed and occasionally emitting a faint moan to remind everyone that you need to be cared for like a piece of fragile china.

Or, as we say in our house, "Don't jump on Mom's stomach! She's SICK!"

With any luck, I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. I ran across your blog and wanted to say hi! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Oh crud! I'm so sorry you don't feel well... and all at the same time - that's just plain old not fair!

  3. I always win the who's sicker game. I don't act sick much so if I do... game over boys.

  4. Oh dear. I'm so sorry you've been so sick. What a bummer. I hope you feel better REALLY soon.

  5. Hope you feel better soon. At least Hubby is well enough to help with the kids now. Take care.

  6. Feel better! Being sick is NO FUN when the weather is so warm and wonderful!

  7. Aw, I'm sorry. Being sick as a parent sucks. There's nobody left to take care of you! Get better.

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog last Friday on my SITS feature day. I'm adding you to my reading list. I hope you feel better soon, and that you'll be back to visit. I also see that you're a goodreads fan! so am i!

  9. Oh, I am so family had a weekend like that once. First I got sick, then my husband, then he recovered enough to fly off to Japan for the week, then the kids started projectile vomiting. I sure hope that you are all healthy soon, if not already.
