Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What I Learned This Week #9

I'm late to the "What I Learned This Week" carnival over at Musings of a Housewife--but who am I kidding, I usually don't post until the sacred hour of Mr. Blue's naptime. This week, I learned a lot about my feeeeeelings.
  • I learned that PMS hormones make any situation worse. If things are good, PMS makes me find something to get upset about it. If things aren't great, here come the Feelings of Impending Doom: oh my God we're all gonna DIIIIEEEE...
  • I learned that for me, the best thing to do when I'm feeling like that is to go talk cry to God because my heavenly Father has all the time in the world to listen to me.
  • I learned that three-year-old boys don't notice when Mama cries. This is new to me since Miss Pink always has been very in tune with my emotions.
  • I learned that counting your blessings really does help.
  • I learned that hugs, kisses, and lots of snuggling from my kids makes me a happy woman.


  1. Sounds like you learned some pretty great things. I hear you on the pms intensity! :)

  2. cuddles are the best! We loooove the tickle monster!

  3. Great list, thanks for sharing. My boys are in tune with my moods and yes, we can always turn over our troubles.

  4. Amen to everything you said.

    I think PMS stands for Pardon my sobbing (or screaming)

    My daughter is very empathetic and in tune, my eldest son sort of picks up on my moods, in his bumbling inarticulate way.

  5. Great list! Hugs and kisses are the best. Glad you're smiling :)

  6. I always enjoy a little kid cuddling. I have a friend with a very snuggly 5 year old. I love going to their house! :)

  7. Really enjoyed your list! Especially the PMS 'stuff'...been there and soooooo have done all that!

    Bless you, sweetie...

  8. I can totally relate to the PMS stuff, too! Here it does mean Pardon My Screaming.

  9. Maybe we should start a counting our blessings meme - it is SO hard to remember that at times and their are many many to count!

  10. Oh Hugs! I am so with you this week! Just ask my husband LOL :)

  11. Feelings? I have three boys and a husband. No one around here ever talks about 'feelings'...ha. I think they have them but express their 'feelings' through punching out their brother or something like that.

  12. I can't even rub my eyes with fatigue without Livie asking what's wrong. Millie so far has shown absolutely no interest in my emotions, except when I get mad at Livie, which is really more about her concern for her sister! We'll see if it changes as she gets older, but Livie was already in tune with me by the time she was two.
    Glad that it sounds like you're doing/feeling better.

  13. My boys always noticed...I think because I only cried in front of them when it was REALLY bad. :) I always tried to hide it.

    Love this list. PMS stinks, doesn't it?

  14. So true to number one!! For me, other than getting red-hot easily, I tear too easily too....
