Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have a favor to ask

If you've noticed that I haven't been commenting as much on blogs, you might be right--I'm not sure. I'm not sure because I am still reading but I haven't been spending as much time commenting this week. I set myself a deadline for a story and I have to finish it by Sunday night. I'm pretending I'm back in college and it's due Monday morning. It's the first fiction I've written since Miss Pink was born. I have to force myself to work on it every day, but gradually the pieces have started to come together and every day I find out what happens next, and I find myself happy to be writing again.

I wasn't going to ask this until the story was done, but what the heck. Email me if you would like to read it and I'll email you a copy next week. I don't want to post it here for the whole world to see, but I could use some readers to give me constructive criticism. By which I mean, you can criticize anything in the story as long as you don't tell me it stinks like warm cat puke. By which I mean, as long as you are reasonably nice, I can take criticism.

On the other hand, if you read it, you have to PROMISE to give me more detailed feedback than "I liked it." Please tell me what worked and didn't work for you, anything that distracted you or made you lose interest, ways to make the main character more likable, potential changes in the plot. Those kinds of things.

To give you a taste of what it's about: it's about a stay-at-home mom who finds herself attracted to her best friend's husband. (I always feel I should add a disclaimer that it is FICTION and in no way based on my life. Especially if you are my best friend.)

I'll leave you with a Mr. Blue anecdote which totally sums up a two-year-old boy's relationship with his mother.
Me: You're so sweet.
Him: No. (smiling)
Me: Well, I think you are. (kissing him on his neck)
Him: No, I don't want to be sweet.



  1. I'll e-mail you from home because I would LOVE to read it.

    And LOL at Mr. Blue.... reminds me so much of Essie

    Me - Essie, you're the light of my life.
    Essie - (maybe 2 years old) I'm not a light bulb!!!

    Me - Essie, are you cute?
    Essie - (same age) Not yet but I'm workin on my cute.

  2. I'll read it, I'll be honest. I think you have my email.

  3. He will regret those words later! Who doesn't want to be sweet?

    As for the story, if you want to send it to me, I'll read as much as I can, but I can't promise I have much time to give it.

  4. Hey, good for you for getting back on the fiction horse! That's great!

    I'd love to read it and I will strive to make useful, constructive comments.

    whatsupwithanna [quack] gmail [arf] com

    How's that for a super-criminal code?

    Can't wait to check it out and congrats again on getting back into the writing life...

    :^) Anna

  5. Ok, i'm in, as long as you don't have a dead-line for your readers. (I'm slow...barely keeping up with here.) But I'd be honored.

  6. I'll love to give my little opinion, if you are fine with 'me' so far *wink* but is there a dateline as to when you need the comments?

  7. Now you know I'd love to read it, me of the read anything genre! Please email it to me
